My 10 Favorite Materials

  1. Material: Silver
Processing: R-Process (nuclear fusion that produces heavy elements)
Properties: Highest electrical and thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal!
Applications: Currency, water filtration

  1. Material: Glass
Processing: Silica combined with soda ash and limestone melted together at 1700 C
Properties: Transmits, reflects, and refracts light
Applications: Vases, lenses

  1. Material: Aerogel
Processing: Supercritical drying to extract liquid from gel, causing liquid to melt away and gel structure to remain unchanged
Properties: Low density and thermal conductivity, looks like “solid smoke” due to light scattering
Applications: Insulation, paint thickener

  1. Material: Wood
Processing: Cut down, shaped via wood cutter, dried
Properties: Strong and stiff, but light and flexible, isotropic
Applications: Housing, paper

  1. Material: Diamond
Processing: Cut, polished, faceted
Properties: FCC crystal structure, few impurities, durable, transparent, heat resistant
Applications: Jewelry, cutting

  1. Material: Electronic Textiles
Processing: Electronics embodied within fabric
Properties: Communication, transformation, conducting energy
Applications: “Smart” clothing, monitoring pilot fatigue

  1. Material: Pyrotechnic materials
Processing: Exothermic chemical reaction
Properties: Explosive
Applications: Fireworks, war

  1. Material: Steel
Processing: Smelting with carbon to diminish iron oxides
Properties: Add other materials to change properties, i.e. nickel and manganese create stronger and better tensile strength
Applications: Buildings, space ships, tools, armor

  1. Material: Rubber
Processing: Harvested/tapped from trees, then refined into rubber
Properties: Stress-strain behavior exhibits Mullins/Payne effect, does not dissolve easily, melting temp of 180 C
Applications: Diving gear, balloons, hoses, clothing (i.e. boots)

  1. Material: Tungsten Carbide
Processing: Reaction of tungsten metal and carbon at 2000 C, or low temp fluid bed process
Properties: High melting temperature, 2x stiffer than steel, low electrical resistivity
Applications: Machinery, trekking poles, ammunition, jewelry


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